Thursday, May 08, 2008

Such Class!

If you drive along Wayne Avenue where it intersects with Edgar Avenue and look at the front yards, you will see this. I can't say if the chairs are there to support the dish or if the dish holds up the chairs. I'm waitng to see if a big screen TV appears in the front yard too.

I guess it could be worse. There could be a used washing machine strapped to the pole!


  1. I'd find an old TV and coffee table and drop them off in the middle of the night.

  2. Oh, and a COUCH. Totally needs a couch, too.

  3. Seems as if you will not need your own TV any longer. You can watch your neigbor's program for free! And the best: You needn't make difficult decisions about what program you should choose. Aren't you lucky?
