where, for $3.00 each you can buy one or even a dozen, and if you like to collect things, you can buy one of every model and style made! I know you all need ANOTHER kitchen appliance on your limited counter top space. If these things were easy to clean then people might actually use them more than once.
Elizabeth likes these thrift stores because we can get 79 cent Barbies. They never come with clothes though. Can somebody tell me why that is?
We saw a book but I just couldn't justify spending the $1.00 to buy it. It was a "Better Homes and Gardens" publication about kitchen design. It was dated 1972. Lots of wood panelling, linoleum and formica. It was pretty scary. It was too early for the trend of carpet in the kitchen though. Urgh! I need to go wash my hands....
Hey, I think I see my bread machine!!!!!
I've actually been seriously thinking about getting a Foreman grill. lol. Should I be scared?
What the heck is a Foreman grill??? Please don't let me die as stupid as I am (I'm from Germany).
George Foreman was a heavyweight boxing champion (see this link)
The George Foreman Grill is a grill he put his name on to sell - it plugs into household current and grills burger, chicken, etc indoors.
Thanks a lot Jeff!
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