Sunday, October 23, 2022

Buying in Bulk

Back in September 2008, I made my first set of bulk head doors but they only lasted a few years. It seems that wood doors in this location are subject to wet and dry rot fungus. I made a second set and treated the wood with linseed oil. The fungus gets into the tongue and groove and takes hold. This second set of doors would not have survived the winter so I broke down and spent money on this.
Today I painted them, so now they look like this.
Third time lucky I guess!


Marilyn said...

I've had the same experience! In 2006 I built a beautiful set of v-groove board doors and caulked everything and made the stairs watertight. A few years later my doors rotted from underneath. My stairs are wooden and open to the ground and I didn't account for that moisture. The stairs are still sound, however. I've been thinking about metal doors, but they may suffer the same fate. What brand did you use, and are they guaranteed at all?

Gary said...

These are Bilco Cellar doors. I ordered them from Menards. They need to be painted with an alkyd based paint or it could void the warranty.

Caroline G said...

I'm glad you found a solution that works for your location.