In my spare time I smooth out walls. I have done so many like this that I don't need to sand much anymore. I know I have stated in the past that I detest textured walls and ceilings and I have found that the easiest way to smooth out textured walls is to apply joint compound to them. Remember this wall?

Well as of last night it looked like this

Remember this wall too?

Well, it currently looks like this.

What does it take to do this? A strong arm, 4 days and about 4 buckets of joint compound per room. Is it worth it? That depends on whether you detest textured walls as much as I do!
Texture Sucks for Sure
A lot of work but it looks great!
I'm with you, textured walls suck. As do textured ceilings. I had stucco-ish walls in my childhood bedroom and even as a kid I remember hating them. They were all chalky and weird, and none of the other kids had walls like that.
Totally worth the effort in my opinion.
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