For example, a toilet roll holder;
One of the problems with such a small room is .... well lets face it, odor. We all know that my sh*t doesn't stink but after extra helpings of baked beans at a picnic it can turn a little sour .... sometimes. The obvious solution is to put a vent in the room except the only place to vent to is the basement. Since I am the one who frequents the basement most, I am not in favor of this idea. Especially if someone else ate extra helpings of the same baked beans!
I found an old air filter while boxing up items from the basement of the resident house and in a dull moment I dismantled it into all of the primary components which include a carbon filter. Then for several weeks I have planned and sketched ideas on how to incorporate the components into a Victorian looking shell and mount it on the wall behind the toilet. Before I drywalled the room I ran some electric cable from a second switch to the space behind the toilet bowl to accommodate power to whatever solution I would devise in the future. Since the future is now, all that I need to do is cut a hole in the drywall, retrieve the cable and insert an electrical box and a socket. It is always good to plan for the unexpected.
Last week I stopped at a local thrift shop to buy some trousers (I never buy new trousers because they ultimately end up as work clothes) and wandered around the store where I found, for the grand sum of 99 cents, a wood microscope case. So, I have been tinkering with things for the last few days and I even had to get out my shellac and play with it. I'm sure that it will become more interesting to look at in time (I want to put a barometer on it) and I have this thermometer to attach unless I find one more aesthetic but that is for another future moment ....
So I now present the proto-type dual action, two speed "Atmospheric Incandescent Radiometric Flatulence Infiltration Level Temperature Expulsion Regulator." (AIR FILTER)
I guess green means "It's safe to enter", while red means "Give that AIR FILTER a little more time to work"?
That's great. I especially like the green bulb on top.
Quick! I'd get that name trademarked. :-) Love the green bulb!
The green bulb is the "ON" light which works out good because when you flip the wrong switch upon entering the room at least a light comes on! The bad news is that the wife says the thing is too big so it will get moved to another location. On the other hand I found an old 12V Auto filter in the same basement that I have already butchered and will be Victorianising soon, and it will have a light on it too!
Love it!
I enjoyeed reading your post
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