AND the words keep ringing in your head. Chi chi chi Chia!
Interesting web site. They also sell the OV- Glove and Chimney Sweeping Logs that are increasingly advertised every December. Oh, and let's not forget the (Clap on(clap,clap), clap off (clap, clap)) The Clapper!
Please Santa, please! Do NOT give me any of these things this or any other year! Especially the Chia Pet or head!
Have you seen the singing deer head yet? I was at Kroger the other day and I got too close to one of them and it started singing an AC/DC song. They had even stuck a Santa hat and scarf on the thing!
I heard about the deer head. Who'd want to put rudolphs head on the wall? Some demented hunter? There's the xmas spirit.
I think I have the perfect gift for you: "The Holly Wreath Man." My husband Christopher Scanlan and I wrote this book based on a newspaper story he wrote back in '75 about the once thriving holly wreath business that put food on the table and gifts under the tree for farmers during the winter. Our story first appeared as a serial novel in over 50 papers across the country and has been optioned for a TV movie. Now it's in hard cover published by Andrews McMeel. It's a nostalgic story set in 1962 during the Cuban Missile crisis. Right now it's appearing in "The St. Petersburg Times." http://www.sptimes.com/2005/webspecials05/holly-wreath-man/
There you can catch up on all the chapters (there are 25--it runs a chapter a day from the 1st of December to Christmas day).
Here is how they announced it: The St. Petersburg Times is publishing The Holly Wreath Man, a fictional story about the tide of progress and the power of love that binds families together.
It is also available through our website hollywreathman.com or on Amazon.com and in various Barnes & Nobles as well as Barnes & Noble online. We hope you enjoy it.
Kathy Fair
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