The sink and faucets are installed. That white line around the sink is clear caulk that needs to dry.

The top drawer is modified to fit around the plumbing.

Thursday will include a trip to Lowes for the flex tube water hook-ups and a p-trap and some extras for the drain. I can guarantee one thing when it's done! It's gonna leak......
I LOOOOOVE that you modified the drawer instead of letting it be wasted. Looks great!
I love the whole piece- sink, counter, and cabinet. So much character and so lovely.
Gary, that looks great! We just got a concrete countertop book in the mail a few days ago. I'm planting seeds in my husbands mind ;)
Looks great! I love the sink.
Looks great, and the comment about a leak reminded me about hooking up the kitchen sink (the one I took out a few months ago). It seemed to take me forever to get every joint in the drain to stop leaking. Grrrr! Very frustrating!
Awesome! Hmmm, you're making me want to try to make a concrete countertop myself.
That sink is utterly gorgeous... can you post a closeup of the sink pattern? (sorry in advance if this is in one of your previous posts, I'm catching up on your blog by reading backwards!)
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