Then go buy one of these:

It's a widget. You score the paint where it meets the glazing putty and then scrape it off. Of course it helps if the the paint is dry.
I have been replacing sash cords all week when I get a chance. It can be a bit time consuming since I have none that work and have to pull out all the weights and re-thread all the pulleys. I got the three living room windows done last week and the two dining room windows done this weekend. If anyone is interested, I can explain the process of sash replacement. If no-one is interested, well maybe I'll do it any way!
You are just the person I need to talk to. By the way, I am your neighbor to the south in Cincy. Well, actually northern ky. I have kept up with your blog over time. I would really like to learn the process of replacing sash cords. I have 4-5 windows that really need them replaced. I vote for you to post this information.
I'm not planning on using my sash weights in order to conserve energy but I would still like to see how it's done just 'cause I'd like to know.
It also helps to put vaseline on the inside around the edge of the window. The paint will come right off.
I also need to learn all about reviving dh windows. But my AC project comes first.. What are you using as replacemnt cords? nylon? cotton? Or removing the cords and using the spring things??
I couldn't agree more about the taping ... such a waste of time! I never use tape on any painting projects. It's much easier to just paint carefully in the first place. For windows, I try to avoid the scraper if possible. I just use a small brush to paint.
Exactly how I do mine :-)Except my little razor gadget is pink.
Vaseline and a pink widget? Ummm, I think I will stick with "Kentucky Jelly" myself. Besides, I've been told I have a mans aversion to pink......
Anybody able to give me the location (address/phone number) of a store where I can purchase a Widget as shown above? Thanks for the help!!
The widget can be found at Lowes, Home Depot or even Walmart. They may be sold as razor scrapers. They don't cost much and may come with spare blades. If all else fails let me know I think we have 4 of them!
Thanks for the reply. I have a Widget, but am down to my last blade. I live in FL and have been to all Lowes, Home Depots, most Ace Hardware and several WalMarts within 75 miles of my home and many other stores throughout FL, AL, MS and GA during my travels. NO Widgets and no replacement blades! I contacted Gillette and received info on 26 Dec they no longer make the product/replacement blades. Went to a Google search for Widget as I did not know waht it was called and that is what led me to your site.
If you know of a specific place in Dayton, please letme know with a phone number and I'll give them a call to order a new Widget/replacement blades.
Thanks for the help from a former Dayton area person (Mad River Township). Tom
Funny, I stopped at the local Meijer store and bought one for $1.39 and saw they had packs of blades also. They were in the paint section. Anyway, try this site
You can buy one there! Look under utility knives and razor scrapers.
Where can I buy a widget? I loaned mine I had for thirty years and never got it back. Now I have no idea where to get one.It was well worth it's money. Trish. 3/22/2016
Look at the comments above. You can also get one at Walmart.com or Amazon.com. Search for razor scraper.
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