This work actually began before our Brimfield trip. I got the holes in the floor filled and then proceeded to rip out some plaster and lath and some 1950s glitter tile that donned the walls in the bathroom area adjoining what will become the laundry room. When we left there was a pile of rubble on the floor. When we returned there was still a pile of rubble on the floor, so those stories that Greg tells about fairies aren't true. At least not in Ohio unless they have become organized and formed a union.
On Sunday after our 15 hour return trip I had the pleasure of filling three bags with plaster and broken tile then vacuuming the room while humming childrens songs in my mind. There are only so many times one can listen to "Little Bunny Foo-Foo" on a road trip before wanting to bop ones self on the head!
It is nice to finally have some steps installed though. Using that old tub of joint compound as a step for 5 years was getting to me.
Here is a before Brimfield picture of the room

and here is the after plaster clean up shot.

Proof that sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.
I get the thrilling experience of working on this room for the next three days. Woo-hoo!
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